Fork-tailed Bluet (Proischnura subfurcata)

View the above photo record (by N Hart) in OdonataMAP here.

Family Coenagrionidae

Proischnura subfurcataFORK-TAILED BLUET


Very small size

Length up to 30mm; Wingspan attains 38mm.

Most similar to Azuragrion nigridorsum. Readily differentiated from that species by its highly distinctive claspers, teardrop-shaped postocular spots and the blue abdomen base with a black dumbell-shaped marking above.

Click here for more details on identification.

Proischnura subfurcata – Male
Makungwa River, Rwanda
Photo by Desire Darling


The Fork-tailed Bluet frequents the grassy fringes of forested pools and ponds.


Perches low down among the grass in damp areas.

Status and Conservation

The current status of Proischnura subfurcata in South Africa is uncertain. Only known from a few old records (Pre. 1951), from KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape. Listed as of Least Concern in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


There is currently no map available for this species. More data is required.

Mainly an East African species that ranges from Ethiopia in the North down to Zimbabwe and Neighbouring Mozambique in the South. Its continued presence in South Africa requires confirmation.

Dragonfly Atlas: Megan Loftie-Eaton, Ryan Tippett, Rene Navarro & Les Underhill
Dragonfly Atlas: Megan Loftie-Eaton, Ryan Tippett, Rene Navarro & Les Underhill
Ryan Tippett is an enthusiastic contributor to Citizen Science and has added many important and interesting records of fauna and flora, with a specialist interest in the dragonflies and damselflies. Rene Navarro is the genius behind the information systems upon which this study is based. Megan Loftie-Eaton assembled the material for the species texts for the Odonata. Prof Les Underhill is a Director of the Biodiversity and Development Institute. Although citizen science in biology is Les’s passion, his academic background is in mathematical statistics.